
Where,when and why.

Hello there!!! 
It is nearly Christmas and not long till my first plane out of the UK. I'm so excited and have started to pack!

So, what exactly will I be doing? 

For my first trip I'll be off to Colorado for ten days for some skiing during the new year! This is a family trip and it's going to be good. I love skiing!!
I then have less then 24 hours to get from Edinburgh airport to Manchester airport to get a flight to The Gambia. Which is the "Smiling Coast of Africa." This is with a charity called Affecting Real Change.
Check them out! 
I love what this charity does and feel proud to be working with them. While in The Gambia I'm staying with a brilliant man called Musa and his family. While I'm there I will be working in Lower Bakau Basic school. I will be assisting with English classes here! Musa has also found a local church to go to and I'm really excited to get involved with that. 

After three months in The Gambia I'm going to the Scripture Union Snowports holiday in Austria. This is an amazing trip which I've been going to since 2012. It is lead by amazing people who have been brilliant to me over the years and helped me through some tough times. While away I'm hoping to get baptised. This is something that means a lot to me and is going to be so cute to get baptised in a place that means so much to me.
Soon after that I'm planning on buying a interrailing ticket and bounce around Europe for a while!! Plans still to be confirmed. 

I will then go back to Austria as I've been accepted onto a great program in Austria called a Summer of Service. Check out the programs website! 

Finally, my last trip is to Southern India for a month to work in Moparru Orphanage I've being sent here by the charity Affecting Real Change who I'm going to The Gambia with as well. Here I will be helping with the day to day running of the Orphanage and staying in the Orphanage. This is going to be really full on work but I'm excited (I love kids and they seem to like me). 

So, why am I doing this? 

I'm going to do law at university in September 2016 (either Edinburgh or Dundee - still to be confirmed). I could of gone to uni earlier but decided I wanted a break from exams, deadlines and stress (plus be 18 for freshers week). I love travelling and it's been a dream of mine to go and see some of the world. Since I've left school I have been working at Morrisons as a sales assistant, must-fill champion and a cashier (cause one role would be boring and not enough work...right?) to pay for these trips (not going to lie I'm going to miss my supermarket family probably as much as my actual family). 

That's it! That's what I'm doing! Hope you follow me on my travels around the world! If you want to contribute in a financial way here is my fundraising page but I'd just love people just to follow my story around the world. 


  1. This all sounds SO exciting! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. x

  2. Fuck off ya spooky bitch
